JCM212/Final Exam Review

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Collective intelligence in action!

  1. Each student will outline a single lecture--noting its key points. See below for lecture assignments. You may confer with other group members about the points. Email that to me, jbutler@ua.edu .
    • The best lecture outlines will be posted on Blackboard.
  2. The group as a whole will create a 90-second video lecture. No longer!
    • Choose three essential points from the lecture your group outlined.
    • Briefly explain each in 30 seconds or less. Try to connect it to something we watched.
    • One group member may be your lecturer or you may spread the points among several students.
    • Find a quiet spot and record your lecture.
    • Either email it to me (jbutler@ua.edu); or put it in UA Box; or post it on YouTube/Vimeo/etc. If online somewhere, email me the link. Remember: these videos will be made public.
    • The best 90-second video will earn its group members 5 bonus points on the final exam.
  3. One last meme?
    • Create a meme that sums up JCM 212 and email it to jgbutler@ua.edu . The five best memes (in my subjective judgment) will earn the creator 3 bonus points on the final exam.

Group assignments

  1. Decline of Hollywood Classicism, Rise of the Independents
    • Moonrise Kingdom (2012, 94 mins.)
  2. Genre and Authorship: Film Noir and Hawks (+ Group 4 and 7)
    • The Big Sleep (1946, 114 mins)
  3. Stardom and Celebrity (Tina Fey)
    • Various Tina Fey videos--including 30 Rock
  4. Representation 1: Race / Ethnicity / Class
    • Girlfriends (2000–2008), Fresh Off the Boat (2015– )
  5. Representation 2: Gender
    • Juno (Reitman, 2007)
  6. Classical Film Theory: Formalism vs. Realism
    • Miscellaneous examples of formalism and realism
  7. Media Stylistics
    • Miami Vice (Glaser, 1984)
  8. Realism 2: Documentary and News Media
    • Various documentary films
  9. Convergence Culture / Transmedia / Video Games
    • The Matrix (Wachowskis, 1999)